Saturday, June 1, 2013

speaking of shoes and staying off the grass...


Speaking of shoes... besides keeping warm of course, why do we wear shoes?  No other animals wear shoes.  Or clothes for that matter.  Was clothing designed to keep us ashamed of our bodies?  Or so we would spend more money on fashion... consumerism?

Shoes.  They are hard to walk in.  They make me clumsy.  I discovered after many weeks of being barefoot that shoes have a numbing effect on my senses.  It could other reasons, I suppose, but maybe, just maybe, shoes do numb our souls.  Rubber soles (ha! good pun, soles numbing souls) don't conduct energy.  How can we feel mother earth through shoes?  The vibrancy of life under our feet... we are numbed to it.

Literally and metaphorically, how can we be grounded if we can't touch the ground?

I wonder if someone has a plan to detach and disconnect us from the collective energy of the earth (and humanity).  Think about it.  Cars with windows rolled up, houses with doors closed (a/c), less porches, less neighborly chatting, less walking, less outside, more offices, less windows, more central air, less breezes, more tv, less crickets or rain...


And the most important connection of all, baby and mother through breastfeeding. The government has made it almost illegal to breastfeed. Someone wants us to buy (consumerism) formula (chemically created) to feed our babies with plastic bottles (more consumerism) which leads to less human connection and bonding.  How can this be a good thing?

Guess what else causes us to detach from the greater energy around us?  Flouride in the water.  Processed foods.  Chemicals in the air (chemtrails, pollution), GMO foods, immunizations.  Know what all these have in common?  Research them.  

(Here's a hint-  they are all desensitizers and mild sedatives.  Why would our government want us sedated and detached from humanity?  Hmmm.  Maybe they want us to be numb, complacent, docile, agreeable...?)

The child is grown, the dream is gone...  and I have become comfortably numb.

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