Monday, July 29, 2013

little watering can

My friend waters me. She is an angel.  We talked about this over lunch today, and it inspired me to write...

Some people don't know how to love or give.  You want to nurture them, love them, show them true friendship, love without conditions.  They take and don't appreciate it, they hurt you deeply.  And you doubt yourself, wondering what you do wrong, why your love isn't good enough.  Maybe it's not about you, or your worth.

Maybe they are dehydrated, their hearts have dried up from lack of watering.  Maybe their souls have never been tended, and here you are with a little watering can, loving them, and feeding them, tending their little seeds, wishing for leaves, and someday petals.  You can see it, you can see all the living, growing, breathing potential locked away in there.

Maybe it doesn't seem to make a difference, your little watering can.  Don't give up.  The whole world is filled with un-nurtured, malnourished, dried up little soul seeds.  Water when you can, where you feel it's needed.  Don't empty your watering can though- keep enough to replenish.

Allow others to water you, and share your water when it feels good. Some for me, some for you, and the ripples will spread out and make a difference.  You may not notice it right away, you may never see it.  But maybe that seed will start to unfold a little.  Maybe that seed will water another seedlet.

And it will make a difference after all.



I have been away, both physically (house sitting, away from my computer) and emotionally.  I am... waiting...  preparing... I feel something tremendous is about to happen.  Like James and the Giant Peach (for all of you who remember that amazing book from childhood).

The anticipation makes me dizzy, I feel in between worlds, in limbo... going through the motions with my body in the every day world, but in transition in my mental world.  I am growing from the inside out, or the outside in. I can't tell which.  Perhaps both at the same time?

Guess what?  I am awakening.  The world is beginning to awake too!  And I am part of it!!

All the goodness in the world is awakening, coming out of dormancy, like slumbering trees in the enchanted forest.  Not just the faeries, elves, and druids, but everything beautiful and good and pure, everything hopeful for humanity is awakening, yawning, stretching, coming alive, old and new pure spirits reaching out, touching fingers, smiling, then grinning, holding hands, as all goodness flows through each presence, flowing back and forth, in and out, in harmony, out to the universe. 

There is hope!  Goodness is alive and well in the land, and it is swelling and growing, it's warmth and light reaching all the dark corners of the earth.  We are all one, humanity.


The change is coming, peace is growing, freedom is spreading.  There is abundance for all to live and thrive.

You may think I am a hopeless romantic sap.  I'll show you :)

i am...

I am...  I am a free-spirit    a gypsy    light worker    tree hugger    star gazer    mermaid    stardust    love and light   a flower   a secret dancer in the moonlight    whimsical flower child...

I am harmony   delicate  strong    laughing    blushing   gentle    fluid    complex    chocolate   dewdrops    warm peach    artist   healer   writer   lover    nature girl....

Curly hair    wiggly toes    tan lines    dimples    rainbow moonstone on my heart finger    eyes open with curiosity and wonder  (and to quote my friend "with the exuberance and tact of a four year old")

I would live in a treehouse, under the stars and fireflies, sleep in a hammock, swing in the breeze, leafy lullaby in the branches under the moon- 

the trees would hug me back, surrounded by flowers and the sea... an orphan and child of the universe.


I feel everything, and it is good.