Friday, August 28, 2015

reiki distance healing

Lay down comfortably, with your hands on the spots that need love.  Think of my hands on you, gently calming your body.  Think of the calm you feel when you are near me.  Your body knows what to do to heal.  I'll send calming too.  If you can relax, your body and Source know what to do.  I'm sending healing symbols from my heart to yours.

Breathe softly, deeply, slowly.  Connect. Feel your heartbeat.  Relax...  You are loved... You are safe... Let light in.

Feel my hands and streams of warm water, sunlight, starlight, softly come in and soothe your body.  My hands are gently caressing your face, shoulders, your hands, your heart.  I can feel your heartbeat. Our hearts are beating with the earth.  Sunlight is coming through my leaf fingers, into your heart.

A golden pink light is warming both of us, moving down through our heads, down the arms, feet, out the fingertips, down our bodies, legs, feet, and the toes.  The light is from Source, Creator, pure healing spirit energy.  It softens, cleanses, heals, all the way through every organ, cell, system, every part of your body, swirling out anything not serving you, replacing it with health, wholeness, and love.  Fall into the warmth, release anything that isn't in your highest.  Relax and let the light energy swirl within your body, flushing out anything negative, flushing it out through your feet, into the earth.

Now picture cool water flowing through your body, a soft rippling stream, moving through your head, chest, down your arms, swirling in your belly, down your legs, out your toes.  The stream is cleansing and rinsing away anything negative, old habits, pain, injuries, illness.  Relax into the stream.  You are floating gently, comfortably, in my arms, in the stream.  Let the stream cleanse you, wash away negative, out through your feet and toes. 

The earth is thirsty and happy for this sundrenched water coming through your body.  The dirt becomes rich and fertile, it does not define or comprehend good or bad, just nergy, and is thankful for the energy flow.  

Your toes wiggle and stretch with life, the energy flow of light coming through your body has awakened tendrils of new growth, tendrils and rootlets curl and a tree, your energy digs deep into the earth, connecting all the way to the core of the earth... you belong here, you are grounded and rooted.

The sun comes through the leaves in your hair, through and around your body, the breeze rustles your leaves... you are strong and fluid, vibrant, healthy, one with the earth, the stars, and all that is.

for video of this, click link:

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

a little weirded out

I'm a little weirded out.  Too much input and synchronicities for this little brain to process.  I don't know what I'm part of, or who is who or what is what.

Please, guides, help me deal with everything gracefully, process what I need to in the right order, to make sense of what I need to, to let go of what doesn't matter, not to blow up (explode into millions of bits) in the meantime.

Please guide me to be on the path of light, to trust the people also on the path of light.  Please protect me from anyone or anything not on the divine path.

I know I have lessons still to learn, and tests to undertake.  But please protect me

and guide me to stay on the path for my higher good, for me, for humanity, for gaia, for healing.

I admit I don't know what I'm doing, who to trust, or anything that's going on at all.  Honestly.  Please higher self and guides, look out for me.

Perhaps it would help if I didn't feel like raving lunatic? I'm having a difficult time processing and forming sentences, even to those who get me.  It's even worse for 3D people.  Should I fake it?  Since 3D is where I live and function primarily? Or should I shrug my shoulders and embrace it all, and freak people out with my awareness and connection?  Which is more helpful for me?  And for them?

I wish that the right people will see me, know the truth.  Which is redundant and silly to say of course, because ultimately everything happens exactly as it's supposed to...  Is it selfish to wish that things happen smoothly, with grace, so precious time and energy aren't wasted on ridiculous things?  So we can get right on to healing and shifting the planet?

Monday, August 17, 2015

healing humanity

On our way to the medicine wheel. We will drum, sing, do ceremony, a healing meditation, leave gifts and crystals, charge our others to bring back.

What will be healed today?
Thank you medicine wheel, universe, and creator, for healing.

My body is healed.  All cells, systems, organs are healed completely.  I breathe easily, I sleep well.  I am fit, lean, strong, vivacious, my past is healed and released.  I am joy.

All blockages are removed, I am energy and light, light from source flows through me as it is meant to.  I am reconnected with my spirit, I am reconnected with Source.  I remember my purpose and my path.  I am love.

I am connected with the Earth, with gaia, with waters, grass, fields, mountains, trees, flowers, animals.  all is healed, vibrant, free, thriving.  The energy spreads to everything living on the planet, humans are healed, their hearts soften and open, and they feel the pulse of spirit, we all come alive with love.  I am one.  Welcome to Earth.

Our planet is completely healed and we are reconnected to the whole universe, with all that has ever existed and all that ever will.  We realize our cosmic oneness, it brings us peace.  We are one.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

wyoming night sky

An adventure today, including a total of 16 hours on the road. Many stops, in three different states.  Saw such beautiful places in Yellowstone, recorded short videos of the waterfalls. Ultimately we are tired of being in the car with each other, and are happy to find a historic hotel to sleep in, in WY.  

Two of us decided, however, to get back in the car and drive out of town to see the stars, out in the country.

Oh my.  Words cannot describe!!  I am moved to tears, I had to lean against the car, mouth agape, to take in the vastness, the magnitude of so many stars!  The whole day was worth it, for just a few moments of this connection, meaning, cosmic significance (and insignificance) at the same time.

My soul and spirit and heart NEED this.  We all need the freedom to be in nature.  I desire to manifest this! 

And so it is.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

yellowstone and big horn medicine wheel road trip

Tomorrow (ok, in four hours) we leave for an adventure to Yellowstone and Big Horn Medicine Wheel.  I am told it is the oldest Medicine Wheel in America, with powerful energy.  It's 10,000 years old, Native American's have used it for sacred ceremony for generations.

I have packed dirt from home and the yard, will fill with positive intentions and love, to leave there.

I have also packed my drum, all my stones to charge, and some to leave, including a big one that several of us have placed intentions in.

So... what will manifest for me?  Where will I be doing what I love?  An office?  Nature?  In a group, or on my own?  Where will I find heart love?  Is it already here?  Or on its way?  How about abundance?  For me, and everyone?  I wish to be healthy, healed, lose weight, love my body, love my spirit, so I can love others too.  

Friday, August 7, 2015

888 day- event horizon for humanity

"Tomorrow is an 888 day- there is an intensified shift of consciousness in humanity.  This weekend is supposed to raise our energy, vibration, and consciousness into a frequency of purity, harmony, calm, awareness... this is 3 eternity symbols (Aug 8, 2015 = 8 8 8) 

8 reflects as above, so below, and is the symbol to unify heart and mind.

This is also called the event horizon for human evolution.  It is supposed to be a time to rejoice!  Old trauma energies will be released, so light data can flow completely and ground, reprogramming our DNA, completing diving circuitry. Love yourself with all your mind, heart, and soul."
(didn't note in my journal where I read this.  It was online, so it must be true.  ha ha)

I desire this immensely, for all humanity to shift into the vibration of love, peace, community, togetherhood, tribe, to love ourselves and others.  

Love myself... I love my light, my joy, my heart, depth, connection, whimsy, nature, my gentleness, compassion, genuineness, exuberance, curiosity, wonder, creativity, resourcefulness, capacity to love people and gaia, my ability to desire a better humanity.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

i am the puzzle and the pieces?

I sense new awareness, building up from inside me, but not from me.  A knowing or remembering from elsewhere, before or after or not existing in time? I can't explain it in words, the ideas are more vast than the limitation of words.

This small gnawing of ideas is starting to give way to a deeper understanding and knowing.  I am in awe, knowing it's all part of something bigger that I can only barely grasp.  Now the synchronicities are beginning, too many and too powerful to deny their significance.  My little human brain doesn't understand or comprehend any of it, but my higher self feels giddy, excited as more and more is dawning on me (and dawning in me?)  The realness of it is befuddling, I don't yet know how all the pieces will fit together, or what the big picture is, but I sense the pieces are significantly important.  I am holding pieces, I am also part of the pieces, I am also the puzzle? How confusing and exciting!

And what if the answer is that none of it really matters, and it will all be worth it?

Saturday, August 1, 2015

magic, shaman, and blue feathers

It's a full blue moon.  Extra magical time, but doesn't feel as magical as the rest of my month.

Two months ago, my Medicine Woman friend (Soul Momma) and I did a breathing technique to manifest our own energy.  We learned the technique from a video made by a Shaman in another country.  We put our energy into a BEEB, bio-etheric energy ball.  We breathed into the ball of energy formed in our hands, and asked the universe to bring us good news.  We breathed the ball from our hands, out into the world.  The sign we would see, to know it worked, was supposed to be a blue feather.  Okaaaay.  Weird.  I did not believe it at all. I did it to humor her.

For weeks, I saw blue butterflies.  Everywhere.  In person, in the mountains, random people sent me pics of blue butterflies... so strange.  Alas, no blue feathers.  Soul Momma patted my head and joked, "that's ok little one.  You are still learning."  snort.

The next month, Soul Momma called me, so excited.  Her Shaman friend was coming to town to give a talk on Native American Healing and Light Workers, which was only open by special invitation to Healers, Energy Workers, LightWorkers.  She had wanted me to meet him for many months, and I was invited.  When I arrived, Soul Momma rushed out, she was so delighted to show me something, she fell on the pavement.  She grabbed my hand, and drug me inside.  There, leaning against the wall, was the Shaman's staff... covered in blue feathers.  Wow.  Weird.  We stood there breathing "wow".  

The Shaman came around the corner, and he and I both stopped short, looking at each other with goosebumps.  We knew each other.  Somehow.  From somewhere.  (Later he had a hearty chuckle at my expense, when I asked him how we knew each other... and it was slowly dawning on me that it was not from this lifetime.  He said many lifetimes, with a twinkle in his eye, while he was still chuckling.)  So many things were familiar about him... his chuckle, his scent, his energy, his voice...  the connection was dizzying.  

During his talk, he gave everyone in the room a feather, and asked us to tap our skin and hands with the feather (which you could both hear and feel..., and it was strangely familiar).  It's to remind us we have cellular memory of being spiritual divine beings before we came to earth.  I was the only one in the room holding a blue feather.  I asked Soul Momma if this was a trick... was she pranking me?  She whispered "I wanted the blue feather." We giggled.    

After the talk, he asked for all the feathers back.  Except mine.  He told me I needed to keep it, it was for spiritual ascension and connection.  Oh. Okaaaaay. Weird.  Then he asked for a volunteer, as he pulled me out of my chair, to the front of the room.  I thought I might die of embarrassment, as I'm shy and incredibly uncomfortable in front of people.  He motioned for me to lay on the massage table, on a big buffalo hide. Ew. I did not want to touch the hide :( 

He wrapped me like a burrito (a buffalo burrito!) and did a short, gentle meditation.  The buffalo hide, his voice, the energy, was astonishingly familiar!  I was flooded with a rush of familiar sensations, deja-vu, the feel of the fur, the scent and warmth, being safe, then the sound of the feathers, another rush of familiar!  Deja-vu of flying, having wings, of being somewhere before earth...   Then the feathers on my skin- oh my that was so familiar it brought a lump to my throat and I had to choke back tears.  

He returned two weeks later for a weekend training ,which amazingly, I was completely available for (really?? not a single thing on my schedule for 3 days on a July weekend??)  He used my drum for the sacred healings.  And when I received my full healing session on the table, the feathers took me out of body, and I met my spiritual family.  They held me in their wings and we playfully tumbled in joy at being reunited; and flew together, and there was joy, and so much love!  And more remembering of who they are and who I was, who I am.  I want to feel them still, to remember my purpose, to feel my wings now.  I cannot explain any of this to anyone, I sound like a raving lunatic.  

I have been dizzy and unable to write since.  The last few weeks have been intense and mind blowing.  I have felt my heart swelling with intense and deep love, for myself, for him, for remembering.  Not necessarily attraction, but definitely remembering and connection.  The healing I received in his classes ... no words.  It all feels like remembering.

Clearly, there are many signs this is the right path.  I don't understand, my head is spinning and swimming, the human me can't comprehend all this.  I can't deny that I feel all of it so strongly, I am beginning to remember... now what?  How do I remember more?  How do I unfold my wings?  How can I stay connected with my spirit family?  How can I hear their guidance? 

What does it mean?  I am dizzy, almost remembering some things, but not enough to make any sense, I want to shake my head and have the fog clear...  I don't know who my guides are, I can't hear what they are saying, and I almost don't remember why I am here, or my purpose.  My human brain can't comprehend what's going on at all.  And it feels beautiful.

Perhaps he and I were together in another lifetime, or many lifetimes.  He woke something in me.  Not in a partner attraction sort of way, but a guide-partner.  He had many messages for me that there is no other way he could have known...  specific information that he couldn't have known otherwise.  Things that would make no sense to anybody else for any reason.  Like, "Spirit tells me to give you a message.  The movie Michael?  And smells like pie?  I have no idea why I'm supposed to tell you this."  And I tear up, the message is familiar to me because of someone else, whom I once loved. Okaaaaay.

At the end of classes, he told me he has never met someone with as pure energy as I have.  He told me he can feel that I had enormous trauma as a child and a painful life, and that I had healed so much and transmuted all of it beautifully, and remained pure.  He said that was incredibly rare on this planet, this level of pureness and good heart.  He said my chakras were clear (except my crown chakra which was a traffic jam of new information coming in), my energy was beautiful, and to keep working with my animal totems to process all the downloads. 

I said, "my animal totems?"  
He looked shocked, so shocked that suddenly I was self conscious.  
He asked, "you have done all this healing without knowing your spirit animal totems?!"
Um, yes.  
"How about your spirit guides?"   
Oh.  I just found out about them yesterday.
He stood there with his mouth open and closing, while I stood there blushing.
He looked around the room, back at me, then around me, and said, "You have more guides than I have ever seen."

I do?  Can you see them?
"Of course I can see them!"
Oh!  Please tell me more. Who are my animal totems?
"I can't.  That is your journey to meet them and know them.  I can't believe you have done all this work without knowing your guides.  Wow.  Um, well, keep up the good work.  Bye now."

He called me some weeks after the class to see how I was doing.  I said I felt weird, my body feels weird, twitching, I can watch the muscles twitch and move, rolling up and down my body.  There is light moving around my insides.  And my heart is getting bigger it almost hurts. I was worried. I might be possessed or insane.     He laughed and said that was wonderful.  Okaaaay.