Monday, January 29, 2018

reality shift

This feels like another reality shift, a catapult.  
Contraction and then launching?
I feel change crawling in like fog,
I feel it before it gets here.
what I know and see.
I feel it coming in advance,
and that's hard to understand 
or describe to others.
Big me trusts.  
Little me is weary and frightened of letting go, 
endings, less structure.
I'd like enough stability 
that I didn't often feel like 
I was falling down hills in the dark
and waking up in new unfamiliar places.
The old reality is flickering?  In and out?
It's static, then vivid, and then fading...
yes flickering.
And overlapping new reality?
I can feel both,
like two stations at the same time.
Wonder why I feel grieving...
I expected celebrating and breath of free-ness-
not grieving.  Who is mourning?
So many on the planet are mourning...
It hurts my heart to feel it all.

He says "you have not completely let go.

You're real close.  
Jump time lines with me please?"
Hold hands and jump?
Or fly?

I'm sensing a lot and it's all 
entirely different than ever before.
I'm sensing things I can't see, 
seeing things I can't hear,
this book looks intriguing
hearing things that haven't happened yet.
Perhaps I sense I am losing my mind 
and everything else,
and I don't want you to see it too.

Monday, January 22, 2018

except I died

Everything feels surreal, ethereal...
I think I just lived 12 lifetimes in one week.
Except I died.
I shattered completely to smithereens.
To nothingness.
And from nothing, there was stillness.
And then awareness and clearness.
And now, the perspective can be so opposite from spun out,
not-self-care, not taking reflective time,
to after- quiet, grounded, connected time.
I know this!
Every day I must do this!
It feels like madness,
feeling so sure and clear one day,
and entirely the opposite the next.
When I reflect (meditate)
the answers get bigger from outside of me,
instead of small from inside of me (fear).
The answers come in from the universe
when I get still.
So I would like to make this a daily practice (again)
meditating, being still and quiet.
I forgot.
I'm so sorry.
I forgot who I was and what I need for balance.
And I got lost (again)
And am found (again)
with bigger awareness, and more love.
I wish for this knowing to stay clear
and not get clouded or pushed aside.
I wish for my balance to stay grounded,
no matter what is going on or who is around me.
I wish for my heart to stay open
so the guidance is clear.
Thank you for helping me to remember.

Monday, January 15, 2018

big shifts

Stop!  My head is so full I am uncomfortable.
Shifts, new info, knowledge, 
dream-journeying (whatever that means)
I have a traffic jam of information
and I'm holding all these pieces 
and don't know where to put them.
I am full!
I am asking specific questions to my partner,
so I can see the bigger picture, 
so I can put the pieces down until they make more sense.
And he gives me more pieces.
I'm frustrated to tears, 
and don't know how to communicate differently.
I don't know if I'm not communicating clearly,
if he isn't hearing me,
if he isn't understanding me.
if he thinks more puzzle pieces will help me....
I don't know how to explain better.
I'm full on every level, I don't understand the big picture,
I don't know how to sort and assimilate-
these intense planetary energy shifts, downloads, info.
I'm hungry for the information and understanding,
the understanding doesn't happen well 
if I'm a traffic jam and so full I'm tense.
(it must be entirely frustrating for him to witness as well)
Every part of my body-
my thoughts, senses, energies, understanding, 
connection inside and out
are being re-wired and I'm f***ing confused.
I don't know how to communicate it or find relief.
How can I be a big being if I have so little comprehending 
and awareness of what's going on inside myself?
Plus creating a new world?
While functioning in the current world?
Manage all this (and pretend I'm fine, normal, sane)
and interact with other humans
schedules, work, jobs, chores, plan and dream my future,
be a present mom 
(friend, daughter, partner, companion, teacher, healer)
omg it's laughable yet I want to cry.

I need a stunt double.
Wait.  I have one, or many (my higher self and angel guides)
I don't know what they are up to.
Who is coordinating all this anyway?
They are all parts of me, 
I am exhausted just sensing all that is going on.
There must be a simpler way.

Friday, January 5, 2018

down the rabbit hole of fear

Vision or dream in the bathtub after a spectacularly frustrating couple of days...

That doesn't feel good.
Does it hurt?  (Higher Self)
Was it meant to hurt?
I don't know.
Could it be something else?
Is this new hurt or old hurt?
I don't know.

Gawd!!  Stop putting up bricks!  I can't breathe in here.  
You're closing me in and I don't have any room or perspective 
to zoom out and see what's going on.

No!  I can't move the bricks.  If I move them, I will fall out.

Just move some... a few.  Here, let me help.

No No No!  I am falling out and I'm scared! 
Ow I'm falling and this cold air hurts, it's dark.
F*** I'm down a rabbit hole. 
It's deep in here.  And dark.  Echo-y. 
I can hear whispers and scurries,
I have no protective skin, I hear ghosts. 
I don't know where I am. 
Echos and ghosts, from everywhere, all over the world. 
If I'm even still on Earth.  Help!  Can anyone hear me down here?

Echo-y far away distant voice-
Hey, while you're down there, let me help.  
Here's more stuff for you to figure out.

And an echo memory of my father's voice saying
"just pull yourself up and get a real job."

No!  I'm still falling,
don't give me more heavy stuff to hold, I'll fall faster!

Distant voice:  Well what do you want?

(me responding in echo whisper scream that you can't hear,
dream words that don't come out...)  Please help me!

Distant voice:  I don't want to go down there.  
It's dark.  Let me know when you figure things out.

(me dream screaming that doesn't come out...) 
Please give me a hand.  I'm so frightened down here.
(But the words don't come out in this dimension.  
And in the falling I can't tell if you are pushing me down 
or pulling me up, and I'm screaming and fighting.)

I could just have a little light... a match.  Crap.
Now my toes are on fire, and my dress, my legs.
Yup.  I'm on fire.
Burning up in flames, consumed by emotions.  Again.

I've burned up entirely,
and I'm just floating now, no body, just dust of consciousness.
Not falling, not feeling, just floating.  Now what?

And I wake up in the bath tub, thinking hours had passed.
I got up so fast to journal that I almost passed out.