Wednesday, April 22, 2015

thank you thank you

Dear universe, guides, divine source, guardian angels...  
Thank you.
Thank you for a day that showed me the right people 
who can help me see my gifts and appreciate them. 
Thank you for love; people who treat me with love, 
for synchronicities that show me I'm on the right path, 
for leading me to good people, for positive lessons, 
for people who are genuine and vulnerable with me, 
for spring coming, 
for eyes to see stars, 
ears to hear music, 
arms to hug with, 
hands to touch lovingly with (reiki) 
and play piano and dig in the dirt with, 
a mouth to ask questions with, 
a curious mind to process many possible answers, 
a heart to love with, 
friends who lift me up and encourage me and giggle with me.  

I go to bed smiling.
(and yes, I am pretending to swing in a hammock under the stars)

Friday, April 17, 2015

download some healing tools

Dear guides,
Please download me with the tools I need to get past my own junk and get on with being a lightworker, a beauty seer, a love, a healer, a goddess.  Help me change the world into a better place.

I long for a treehouse, land in nature, a healing center, a garden, meadow, safe space, ceremony and ritual sacred space where I can thrive and help others thrive.

Oh I am so ready to be free of debt, burdens, oppression, fear. I am ready to be abundant, rich, free, healthy.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

full moon red moon eclipse moon

Dear full moon, red moon, eclipse moon
My heart is full of wishes.  I almost get it, this new way of creating, good magic, higher frequency.  I'm still struggling with my own limitations.  Higher self, please kick my butt in gear and drop these doubts, fears, worries, baggage, childhood stuff.  Please help me see myself as worthy, divine, powerful, gentle, beautiful, strong, lovable, pure, glowing goddess I came here to be.  Open up and live, radiate,embody, vibrate love.

"Our invitation is to open our bodies, cells, and our heart portals to receive a new dream of what our lives can be and what is possible."

"I nurture the birth of my being with primal trust"

"This restart offers us a potent invitation to forgive our mistakes or inadequacies of the past cycles, start fresh with humility and connection to our own inherent innocence and wholeness... to extend peaceful vibration by compassionately forgiving all of our relations."
I wish I had written down where I found these quotes?

I wish for the whole world and system to be reborn in love, peace, abundance, joy, thriving.  I realize I can help that happen when I step into my purpose.