Monday, January 5, 2015

full moon ancestral healing

Tonight is a full moon.  I will be doing the first of 3 ceremonies to heal my family tree.  In the light of the moon, I'll ask Archangel Muriel, in charge of the Soul Star Chakra, to help clear my ancestral karma.  (Or in my bedroom with the curtain open because it's extremely cold outside.)

Then I will ask 7 generations of my ancestors to look out for me, protect me, and work with my guides for my higher and best good.  I will ask to bring them my love, restore connections, and heal all our ancestral history.

I hope to clear away all past karma, to clear the way for new, good karma.  I desire to bring balance and clear away negative karma from all our past lives, including my own.  I desire to start fresh, to manifest abundance, joy, and bring love to all generations past, in my present, and to my future. And so it is. 

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